Latest Version: 1.0.0
AWS DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service. This library uses AWS DynamoDB Rest API to provide low-level API actions for managing database tables and indexes, and for creating, reading, updating and deleting data.
You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on the available versions of this library.
Note The AWSDynamoDB library uses AWSRequestV4 for all requests, so the AWSRequestV4 library must also be included in your agent code.
To include this library add the following lines to the top of your agent code:
#require "AWSRequestV4.class.nut:1.0.2"
#require "AWSDynamoDB.agent.lib.nut:1.0.0"
Parameter | Type | Description |
region | String | AWS region |
accessKeyId | String | AWS access key |
secretAccessKey | String | AWS secret access key |
Access keys can be generated with IAM.
#require "AWSRequestV4.class.nut:1.0.2"
#require "AWSDynamoDB.agent.lib.nut:1.0.0"
This method performs a specified action (eg. get batch item) with the required parameters (actionParams) for the specified action type.
Parameter | Type | Description |
actionType | Constant | The type of the Amazon CloudWatch Logs action that you want to perform (see ‘Action Types’, below) |
actionParams | Table | Table of action-specific parameters (see ‘Action Types’, below) |
callback | Function | Callback function that takes one parameter: a response table |
The format of the response table general to all callback functions.
Key | Type | Description |
body | String | A DynamoDB response in a function specific structure that is JSON encoded. See each action parameter response, below, for details |
statuscode | Integer | An HTTP status code |
headers | Table | See ‘Headers’, below |
The response table’s headers key is a table containing the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
x-amzn-requestid | String | An Amazon request ID |
content-type | String | The content type eg. "text/XML" |
date | String | The date and time at which the response was sent |
content-length | String | The length of the content |
x-amz-crc32 | String | Checksum of the UTF-8 encoded bytes in the HTTP response |
Action Type | Description |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_BATCH_GET_ITEM | Returns the attributes of one or more items from one or more tables |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_BATCH_WRITE_ITEM | Puts or deletes multiple items in one or more tables |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_CREATE_TABLE | Adds a new table to your account |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_DELETE_ITEM | Deletes a single existing item |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_DELETE_TABLE | Deletes a single existing table |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_DESCRIBE_LIMITS | Returns the current provisioned-capacity limits for your AWS account |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_DESCRIBE_TABLE | Returns information about a single existing table |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_GET_ITEM | Returns a single existing item |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_LIST_TABLES | Returns a list of table names |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_PUT_ITEM | Uploads a single item |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_QUERY | Initiate a database query operation |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_SCAN | Returns one or more items and item attributes |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_UPDATE_ITEM | Modifies a single existing item |
AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_UPDATE_TABLE | Modifies a single existing table |
Specific actions of the types listed above are configured by passing information into action()’s actionParams parameter as a table with the following action type-specific keys.
This action returns the attributes of one or more items from one or more tables. You identify requested items by primary key. For more detail please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
RequestItems | Table | Yes | A map of one or more table names and, for each table, a list of operations to be performed (DeleteRequest or PutRequest) |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | No | Valid values: INDEXES, TOTAL, NONE. INDEXES returns aggregate ConsumedCapacity for the operation, and ConsumedCapacity for each table and secondary index. TOTAL returns only aggregate ConsumedCapacity. NONE (default) returns no ConsumedCapacity details |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
ConsumedCapacity | Array of tables | The capacity units consumed by the entire batch read operation |
Responses | Table | Each object in Responses consists of a table name, along with a map of attribute data consisting of the data type and attribute value |
UnprocessedKeys | Table | A map of tables and their respective keys that were not processed with the current response |
local getParams = {
"RequestItems": {
"testTable2": {
"Keys": [
{ "deviceId": {"S": imp.configparams.deviceid},
"time": {"S": itemTime1} },
{ "deviceId": {"S": imp.configparams.deviceid},
"time": {"S": itemTime2} }
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_BATCH_GET_ITEM, getParams, function(response) {
local arrayOfReturnedItems = http.jsondecode(response.body).Responses.testTable2;
This action puts or deletes multiple items into or from one or more tables. For more detail please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
RequestItems | Table | Yes | See here |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | No | Valid values: INDEXES, TOTAL, NONE. INDEXES returns aggregate ConsumedCapacity for the operation, and ConsumedCapacity for each table and secondary index. TOTAL returns only aggregate ConsumedCapacity. NONE (default) returns no ConsumedCapacity details |
ReturnItemCollectionMetrics | String | No | Valid values: SIZE, NONE. Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. If set to SIZE, the response includes statistics about item collections. If set to NONE (default), no statistics are returned |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
ConsumedCapacity | Array of tables | The capacity units consumed by the entire batch write operation |
ItemCollectionMetrics | Array of tables | A list of tables that were processed by the batch action and, for each table, information about any item collections that were affected by individual delete or put operations |
UnprocessedItems | Array of tables | A map of tables and requests against those tables that were not processed. The value of UnprocessedItems is in the same form as requestItems, so you can provide this value directly to a subsequent batch read operation |
// Writing to an existing table called testTable2 with key schema seen in create table
local writeParams = {
"RequestItems": {
"testTable2": [
{ "PutRequest": { "Item": { "deviceId": { "S": imp.configparams.deviceid },
"time": { "S": itemTime1 },
"batchNumber": { "N": "1" } } }
{ "PutRequest": { "Item": { "deviceId": { "S": imp.configparams.deviceid },
"time": { "S": itemTime2 },
"batchNumber": { "N": "2" } } }
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_BATCH_WRITE_ITEM, writeParams, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
server.log("Batch write successful");
} else {
server.log("Batch write unsuccessful");
This action adds a new table to your account. In an AWS account, table names must be unique within each region. For more detail please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
AttributeDefinitions | Array of tables | Yes | See here |
KeySchema | Array of tables | Yes | See here |
ProvisionedThroughput | Table | Yes | See here |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table to create |
GlobalSecondaryIndexes | Array of tables | No | See here. Default: null |
LocalSecondaryIndexes | Array of tables | No | See here. Default: null |
StreamSpecifiation | Table | No | See here. Default: null |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
TableDescription | Table | Represents the properties of a table (see here) |
local randNum = (1.0 * math.rand() / RAND_MAX) * 1001;
local tableName = "testTable." + randNum;
local params = {
"AttributeDefinitions": [
{ "AttributeName": "deviceId",
"AttributeType": "S" },
{ "AttributeName": "time",
"AttributeType": "S" } ],
"KeySchema": [
{ "AttributeName": "deviceId",
"KeyType": "HASH" },
{ "AttributeName": "time",
"KeyType": "RANGE" } ],
"ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": 5,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 5 },
"TableName": tableName
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_CREATE_TABLE, params, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
server.log("Table creation successful");
} else {
server.log("Table creation unsuccessful");
This action deletes a single item in a table by primary key. For more detail please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
Key | Table | Yes | A map of attribute names to AttributeValue objects, representing the primary key of the item to delete |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table from which to delete the item |
ConditionalExpression | String | No | A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional delete action to succeed. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeNames | Table | No | One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeValues | Table | No | One or more values that can be substituted in an expression. Default: null |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | No | Valid values: INDEXES, TOTAL, NONE. INDEXES returns aggregate ConsumedCapacity for the operation, and ConsumedCapacity for each table and secondary index. TOTAL returns only aggregate ConsumedCapacity. NONE (default) returns no ConsumedCapacity details |
ReturnItemCollectionMetrics | String | No | Valid values: SIZE, NONE. Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. If set to SIZE, the response includes statistics about item collections. If set to NONE (default), no statistics are returned |
ReturnValues | String | No | Valid values: ALL_OLD, NONE. Use ALL_OLD if you want to get the item attributes as they appeared before they were deleted, else NONE (default) where nothing is returned |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
Attributes | Table | The attribute values as they appeared before the PutItem operation (see here) |
ConsumedCapacity | Table | The capacity units consumed by the PutItem operation (see here) |
ItemCollectionMetrics | Table | Information about item collections, if any, that were affected by the put operation (see here) |
local tableName = "YOUR_TABLE_NAME";
local itemTime = time().tostring();
local deleteParams = {
"Key": { "deviceId": { "S": imp.configparams.deviceid },
"time": { "S": itemTime } },
"TableName": tableName,
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_DELETE_ITEM, deleteParams, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
server.log("Successfully deleted item");
} else {
server.log("Error: " + response.statuscode);
This action deletes a single table. For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table to delete |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
TableDescription | Table | Represents the properties of a table (see here) |
local params = { "TableName": tableName };
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_DELETE_TABLE, params, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
server.log("Successfully deleted Table");
} else {
server.log("Error: " + response.statuscode);
This action returns the current provisioned-capacity limits for your AWS account in a region, both for the region as a whole and for any one DynamoDB table that you create there. For more detail please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
This action requires no action parameters — pass in an empty table as per the example below.
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
AccountMaxReadCapacityUnits | Integer | The maximum total read capacity units that your account allows you to provision across all of your tables in this region |
AccountMaxWriteCapacityUnits | Integer | The maximum total write capacity units that your account allows you to provision across all of your tables in this region |
TableMaxReadCapacityUnits | Integer | The maximum read capacity units that your account allows you to provision for a new table that you are creating in this region, including the read capacity units provisioned for its global secondary indexes (GSIs) |
TableMaxWriteCapacityUnits | Integer | The maximum write capacity units that your account allows you to provision for a new table that you are creating in this region, including the write capacity units provisioned for its global secondary indexes (GSIs) |
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_DESCRIBE_LIMITS, {}, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
server.log("AccountMaxReadCapacityUnits: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).AccountMaxReadCapacityUnits);
} else {
server.log("Error: " + response.statuscode);
This action returns information about the table, including the current status of the table, when it was created, the primary key schema, and any indexes on the table. For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table to describe |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
Table | Table | See here |
local tableName = "YOUR_TABLE_NAME";
local params = { "TableName": tableName };
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_DESCRIBE_TABLE, params, function(response) {
server.log("The name of the table described is " + http.jsondecode(response.body).Table.TableName);
This action returns a set of attributes for the item with the given primary key. For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
Key | Table | Yes | See here |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table containing the requested item |
AttributesToGet | Array of strings | No | See here. Default: null |
ConsistentRead | Boolean | No | If set to true , then the operation uses strongly consistent reads; otherwise, the operation uses eventually consistent reads. Default: false |
ExpressionAttributeNames | Table | No | One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression. Default: null |
ProjectionExpression | String | No | String that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the table. These attributes can include scalars, sets or elements of a JSON document. The attributes in the expression must be separated by commas. Default: null |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | No | Valid values: INDEXES, TOTAL, NONE. INDEXES returns aggregate ConsumedCapacity for the operation, and ConsumedCapacity for each table and secondary index. TOTAL returns only aggregate ConsumedCapacity. NONE (default) returns no ConsumedCapacity details |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
ConsumedCapacity | Table | The capacity units consumed by the GetItem operation (see here) |
Item | Table | A map of attribute names to AttributeValue objects (see here) |
local tableName = "YOUR_TABLE_NAME";
local itemTime = time().tostring();
local getParams = {
"Key": { "deviceId": { "S": imp.configparams.deviceid },
"time": { "S": itemTime } },
"TableName": tableName,
"AttributesToGet": [ "time", "status" ],
"ConsistentRead": false
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_GET_ITEM, getParams, function(response) {
server.log( "retrieved time: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).Item.time.S);
This action returns an array of table names associated with the current account and endpoint. For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
ExclusiveStartTableName | String | No | The first table name that this operation will evaluate. Default: null |
Limit | Integer | No | A maximum number of table names to return. Default: 100 |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
LastEvaluatedTableName | String | The name of the last table in the current page of results |
TableNames | Array of strings | The names of the tables associated with the current account at the current endpoint. The maximum size of this array is 100 |
local params = { "Limit": 10 };
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_LIST_TABLES, params, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
local arrayOfTableNames = http.jsondecode(response.body).TableNames;
} else {
server.log("error " + response.statuscode);
This action creates a new item, or replaces an old item with a new item. For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
Item | Table | Yes | A map of attribute name/value pairs, one for each attribute. Only the primary key attributes are required; you can optionally provide other attribute name-value pairs for the item |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table to contain the item |
ConditionalExpression | String | No | A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional put action to succeed. Default: null |
AttributesToGet | Array of strings | No | See here. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeNames | Table | No | One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeValues | Table | No | One or more values that can be substituted in an expression (see here). Default: null |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | No | Valid values: INDEXES, TOTAL, NONE. INDEXES returns aggregate ConsumedCapacity for the operation, and ConsumedCapacity for each table and secondary index. TOTAL returns only aggregate ConsumedCapacity. NONE (default) returns no ConsumedCapacity details |
ReturnItemCollectionMetrics | String | No | Valid Values: SIZE, NONE. If set to SIZE, the response includes statistics about item collections. If set to NONE (default), no statistics are returned |
ReturnValues | String | No | Valid Values: ALL_OLD, NONE. If set to ALL_OLD, then if the action overwrote an attribute name-value pair, the content of the old item is returned. If set to NONE (default), nothing is returned |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
Attributes | Table | The attribute values as they appeared before the PutItem operation (see here) |
ConsumedCapacity | Table | The capacity units consumed by the PutItem operation (see here) |
ItemCollectionMetrics | Table | Information about item collections, if any, that were affected by the put operation (see here) |
local tableName = "YOUR_TABLE_NAME";
local putParams = { "TableName": tableName,
"Item": { "deviceId": { "S": imp.configparams.deviceid },
"time": { "S": itemTime },
"status": { "BOOL": true } }
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_PUT_ITEM, putParams, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode == 200) {
server.log("Successfully put in item");
} else {
server.log("failed to put item, error: " + response.statuscode);
This action is a query operation that uses the primary key of a table or a secondary index to directly access items from that table or index. For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table containing the requested items |
AttributesToGet | Array of strings | No | See here. Default: null |
ConditionalOperator | String | No | See here. Default: null |
ConsistentRead | Boolean | No | If set to true , the operation uses strongly consistent reads; otherwise, the operation uses eventually consistent reads. Default: false |
ExclusiveStartKey | Table | No | The primary key of the first item that this operation will evaluate. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeNames | Table | No | One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeValues | Table | No | One or more values that can be substituted in an expression. Default: null |
FilterExpression | String | No | See here. Default: null |
IndexName | String | No | The name of an index to query. This index can be any local secondary index or global secondary index on the table. Default: null |
KeyConditionExpression | String | No | The condition that specifies the key value(s) for items to be retrieved by the query action. Default: null |
Limit | Integer | No | The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching items). Default: 1 |
ProjectionExpression | String | No | A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the table. Default: null |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | No | Valid values: INDEXES, TOTAL, NONE. INDEXES returns aggregate ConsumedCapacity for the operation, and ConsumedCapacity for each table and secondary index. TOTAL returns only aggregate ConsumedCapacity. NONE (default) returns no ConsumedCapacity details |
ScanIndexForward | Boolean | No | Specifies the order for index traversal: if true (default), the traversal is performed in ascending order; if false , the traversal is performed in descending order |
Select | String | No | The attributes to be returned in the result. You can retrieve all item attributes, specific item attributes, the count of matching items, or in the case of an index, some or all of the attributes projected into the index. Default: null |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
ConsumedCapacity | Table | See here |
Count | Integer | The number of items in the response |
Items | Array of Tables | An array of item attributes that match the query criteria. Each element in this array consists of an attribute name and the value for that attribute |
LastEvaluatedKey | Table | The primary key of the item where the operation stopped, inclusive of the previous result set. Use this value to start a new operation, excluding this value in the new request |
ScannedCount | Integer | The number of items evaluated, before any query filter is applied. A high ScannedCount value with few, or no, Count results indicates an inefficient query operation |
local params = { "TableName": tableName,
"KeyConditionExpression": "deviceId = :deviceId",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":deviceId": { "S": imp.configparams.deviceid } }
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_QUERY, params, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
server.log("The time stored is: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).Items[0].time.S);
} else {
server.log("error: " + response.statuscode);
This action returns one or more items and item attributes by accessing every item in a table or a secondary index. For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table containing the requested items; or, if you provide IndexName, the name of the table to which that index belongs |
AttributesToGet | Array of strings | No | See here. Default: null |
ConditionalOperator | String | No | See here. Default: null |
ConsistentRead | Boolean | No | If set to true , the operation uses strongly consistent reads; otherwise, the operation uses eventually consistent reads. Default: false |
ExclusiveStartKey | Table | No | The primary key of the first item that this operation will evaluate. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeNames | Table | No | One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeValues | table | No | One or more values that can be substituted in an expression. Default: null |
FilterExpression | String | No | One or more values that can be substituted in an expression. Default: null |
IndexName | String | No | The name of a secondary index to scan. Default: null |
Limit | Integer | No | The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching items). Default: 1 |
ProjectionExpression | String | No | A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the table. Default: null |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | No | Valid values: INDEXES, TOTAL, NONE. INDEXES returns aggregate ConsumedCapacity for the operation, and ConsumedCapacity for each table and secondary index. TOTAL returns only aggregate ConsumedCapacity. NONE (default) returns no ConsumedCapacity details |
Segment | Integer | No | For a parallel scan request, Segment identifies an individual segment to be scanned by an application worker. Default: null |
Select | String | No | The attributes to be returned in the result. You can retrieve all item attributes, specific item attributes, the count of matching items, or in the case of an index, some or all of the attributes projected into the index. Default: null |
TotalSegments | Integer | No | For a parallel scan request, TotalSegments represents the total number of segments into which the scan operation will be divided. Default: null |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
ConsumedCapacity | Table | See here |
Count | Integer | The number of items in the response |
Items | Array of Tables | An array of item attributes that match the query criteria. Each element in this array consists of an attribute name and the value for that attribute |
LastEvaluatedKey | Table | The primary key of the item where the operation stopped, inclusive of the previous result set. Use this value to start a new operation, excluding this value in the new request |
ScannedCount | Integer | The number of items evaluated, before any query filter is applied. A high ScannedCount value with few, or no, Count results indicates an inefficient query operation |
local params = { "TableName": tableName, };
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_SCAN, params, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
// Returned deviceId from scan
// NOTE this example requires the table created in the CreateTable example
local deviceId = http.jsondecode(response.body).Items[0].deviceId.S;
} else {
server.log("error: " + response.statuscode);
This action updates an existing item.For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
Key | Table | Yes | The primary key of the item to be updated (see here) |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table containing the item to update |
AttributesUpdates | Table | No | See here. Default: null |
ConditionalExpression | String | No | A condition that must be satisfied in order for a conditional update operation to succeed. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeNames | Table | No | One or more substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression. Default: null |
ExpressionAttributeValues | Table | No | One or more values that can be substituted in an expression. Default: null |
ReturnConsumedCapacity | String | No | Valid values: INDEXES, TOTAL, NONE. INDEXES returns aggregate ConsumedCapacity for the operation, and ConsumedCapacity for each table and secondary index. TOTAL returns only aggregate ConsumedCapacity. NONE (default) returns no ConsumedCapacity details |
ReturnItemCollectionMetrics | String | No | Determines whether item collection metrics are returned. If set to SIZE, the response includes statistics about item collections. If set to NONE (default), no statistics are returned |
ReturnValues | String | No | Valid values: ALL_OLD, All_NEW, UPDATED_OLD, UPDATED_NEW, NONE. Use ReturnValues if you want to get the item attributes as they appeared either before or after they were updated. Use ALL_OLD for all attributes prior to being changed; All_NEW for all attributes after the change; UPDATED_OLD for all attributes that were changed but returns values prior to change; UPDATED_NEW for all attributes that were changed but returns values after the change; or NONE (default) to have nothing returned |
UpdateExpression | String | No | An expression that defines one or more attributes to be updated, the action to be performed on them, and new value(s) for them. Default: null |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
Attributes | Table | See here |
ConsumedCapacity | Table | See here |
ItemCollectionMetrics | Table | See here |
NOTE This example follows from the AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_PUT_ITEM example.
local updateParams = {
"Key": { "deviceId": { "S": imp.configparams.deviceid },
"time": { "S": itemTime } },
"TableName": tableName,
"UpdateExpression": "SET newVal = :newVal",
"ExpressionAttributeValues": { ":newVal": {"S":"this is a new value"} },
"ReturnValues": "UPDATED_NEW"
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_UPDATE_ITEM, updateParams, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
server.log("New attribute was Successfully entered with a value: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).Attributes.newVal.S);
} else {
server.log("error: " + response.statuscode);
This action modifies the provisioned throughput settings, global secondary indexes, or DynamoDB Streams settings for a given table. For more details please see the AWS DynamoDB documentation.
Key | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | Yes | The name of the table to be updated |
AttributeDefinitions | Table | No | An Array of attributes that describe the key schema for the table and indexes. Default: null |
GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates | Array of tables | No | An array of one or more global secondary indexes for the table (see here). Default: null |
ProvisionedThroughput | Table | No | The new provisioned throughput settings for the specified table or index (see here). Default: null |
StreamSpecification | Table | No | Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for the table (see here). Default: null |
The response table contains a key, body, which is a table that includes the following JSON encoded keys:
Key | Type | Description |
TableDescription | Table | Represents the properties of a table |
local params = { "TableName": _tablename,
"ProvisionedThroughput": { "ReadCapacityUnits": 6,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 6 }
db.action(AWS_DYNAMO_DB_ACTION_UPDATE_TABLE, params, function(response) {
if (response.statuscode >= 200 && response.statuscode < 300) {
server.log("New attribute was Successfully entered with a value: " + http.jsondecode(response.body).Attributes.newVal.S);
} else {
server.log("error: " + response.statuscode);
The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.
Version | Source Code | Notes |
1.0.0 | GitHub | Initial release |
The AWSDynamoDB library is licensed under the MIT License.