Latest Version: 1.0.0
This library wraps the Losant enterprise IoT platform REST API. It supports most of the platform's single-device and multiple-device actions, allowing the your code to create, update and delete devices on the Losant platform. The library also supports sending commands to platform devices and updating the current state of a platform device.
To use this library you need to have a Losant account and a Losantapplication.
You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on the available versions of this library.
To include this library in your project, add
#require "Losant.agent.lib.nut:1.0.0"
at the top of your agent code.
Each instance of the class will connect the device with a Losant application (identified by its ID). All methods will send and receive data via this application only.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
appId | String | Yes | A Losant Application ID |
apiToken | String | Yes | An Application API token with Device and Devices permissions |
// ID and API Token for My Losant Application
All HTTPS requests to Losant are made asynchronously. Each method that makes an HTTP request will have a required callback parameter, a function that will executed when the server responds. The callback function has a single parameter, response, into which is passed a table containing the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
statuscode | Integer | HTTP status code (or libcurl error code) |
headers | Table | Squirrel table of returned HTTP headers |
body | String | Returned HTTP body (if any) |
This method creates a new device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
deviceInfo | Table | Yes | A table with device info used to create the device. Please see the API documentation for table details |
callback | Function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
lsntDeviceId <- null;
agentId <- split(http.agenturl(), "/").top();
impDeviceId <- imp.configparams.deviceid;
deviceInfo <- {
"name" : format("Tracker_%s", agentId),
"description" : "Electric Imp Asset Tracker",
"deviceClass" : "standalone",
"tags" : [
{ "key" : "agentId",
"value" : agentId },
{ "key" : "impDevId",
"value" : impDeviceId }
"attributes" : [
{ "name" : "location",
"dataType" : "gps" },
{ "name" : "temperature",
"dataType" : "number" },
{ "name" : "humidity",
"dataType" : "number" },
{ "name" : "magnitude",
"dataType" : "number" },
{ "name" : "alertTemperature",
"dataType" : "string" },
{ "name" : "alertHumidity",
"dataType" : "string" },
{ "name" : "alertMovement",
"dataType" : "string" }
lsntTrackerApp.createDevice(deviceInfo, function(res) {
local body = http.jsondecode(res.body);
lsntDeviceId = body.deviceId;
This method fetches a list of application devices.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
queryParams | String | No | Query parameters to be added to the URL and which will be used to filter the results. Please see createTagFilterQueryParams() for an example |
lsntDeviceId <- null;
agentId <- split(http.agenturl(), "/").top();
impDeviceId <- imp.configparams.deviceid;
deviceInfo <- {
"name" : format("Tracker_%s", agentId),
"description" : "Electric Imp Asset Tracker",
"deviceClass" : "standalone",
"tags" : [
{ "key" : "agentId",
"value" : agentId },
{ "key" : "impDevId",
"value" : impDeviceId }
"attributes" : [
{ "name" : "location",
"dataType" : "gps" },
{ "name" : "temperature",
"dataType" : "number" },
{ "name" : "humidity",
"dataType" : "number" },
{ "name" : "magnitude",
"dataType" : "number" },
{ "name" : "alertTemperature",
"dataType" : "string" },
{ "name" : "alertHumidity",
"dataType" : "string" },
{ "name" : "alertMovement",
"dataType" : "string" }
// Get all devices
lsntTrackerApp.getDevices(function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
// Create filter for tags matching this device, use the tags set up as unique ids - agent and device id combo
local qparams = lsntTrackerApp.createTagFilterQueryParams(deviceInfo.tags);
// Look for this device
lsntTrackerApp.getDevices(function(response) {
local body = http.jsondecode(response.body);
if (response.statuscode == 200 && "count" in body) {
// Successful request
switch (body.count) {
case 0:
// No devices found, create device
lsntTrackerApp.createDevice(deviceInfo, function(resp) {
local bdy = http.jsondecode(resp.body);
lsntDeviceId = bdy.deviceId;
case 1:
// We found the device, store the lsntDeviceId
lsntDeviceId = body.items[0].deviceId;
// We have multiple matches, log results of filtered query
server.error("Found " + body.count + "devices matching the device tags.");
// TODO: Delete multiples
} else {
server.error("List device request failed with status code: " + response.statuscode);
}, qparams);
This method retrieves information for the specified device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
lsntTrackerApp.getDeviceInfo(lsntDeviceId, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
// Log device info
This method updates information for the specified device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
deviceInfo | Table | Yes | A table containing updated device info. Please see the API documentation for table details |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
lsntTrackerApp.updateDeviceInfo(lsntDeviceId, deviceInfo, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
//Log updated device info
This method deletes the specified device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
lsntTrackerApp.deleteDevice(lsntDeviceId, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
// Log if delete was successful
This method sends the current state of the device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
deviceState | Table or array of tables | Yes | The keys in the device-state table(s) should correspond to the device's attributes |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
device.on("data", function(data) {
// We cannot post data, so just drop it
if (lsntDeviceId == null) {
server.log("Losant device not configured. Not sending data: ");
local payload = {
"time" : lsntTrackerApp.createIsoTimeStamp(),
"data" : {}
if ("lat" in data && "lng" in data) <- format("%s,%s",, data.lng);
if ("temp" in data) <- data.temp;
if ("humid" in data) <- data.humid;
if ("mag" in data) <- data.mag;
lsntTrackerApp.sendDeviceState(lsntDeviceId, payload, function(res) {
This method retrieves the last known state(s) of the specified device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
lsntTrackerApp.getDeviceState(lsntDeviceId, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
// Log device state
This method retrieves the composite last complete state of the specified device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
lsntTrackerApp.getDeviceCompositeState(lsntDeviceId, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
// Log device composite state
This method sends a command to multiple devices.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
command | Table | Yes | A command table. Please see the API documentation for table details |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
local cmd = { "time" : lsntTrackerApp.createIsoTimeStamp(),
"name" : "myCommand",
"payload" : [1, 1, 2, 3, 5] }
lsntTrackerApp.sendDevicesCommand(cmd, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
//Log if command was sent successfully
This method send a command to the specified device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
command | Table | Yes | A command table. Please see the API documentation for table details |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
local cmd = { "time" : lsntTrackerApp.createIsoTimeStamp(),
"name" : "myCommand",
"payload" : [1, 1, 2, 3, 5] }
lsntTrackerApp.sendDeviceCommand(losantDeviceId, cmd, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
//Log if command was sent successfully
This method retrieves the last known commands(s) sent to the specified device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
lsntTrackerApp.getDeviceCommand(lsntDeviceId, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
// Log commands
This method opens a stream that listens for commands directed at the specified device.
Note Only one stream can be open at a time. If called while a stream is open, openDeviceCommandStream() will close the stream that is currently open and will open a new stream.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
onData | Function | Yes | A function that will be called when a command is received from Losant. It has a single parameter, a table, containing the command received from Losant |
onError | Function | Yes | A function that will be called if the stream is closed unexpectedly or if a command cannot be parsed. It has two parameters: the error encountered, and the response from Losant |
keepAliveTimeout | Integer or float | No | The amount of time in seconds to wait for a keepalive ping from Losant before closing the stream. Keepalive pings from Losant are sent every two seconds. Default: 30 seconds |
function onData(command) {
onError(error, response) {
server.error("Error occurred while listening for commands.");
if (lsntTrackerApp.isDeviceCommandStreamOpen()) {
// Parsing error occurred
} else {
// HTTP error occurred
if ("statuscode" in response) server.log("Status code: " + response.statuscode);
// Reopen stream
lsntTrackerApp.openDeviceCommandStream(lsntDeviceId, onData, onError);
lsntTrackerApp.openDeviceCommandStream(lsntDeviceId, onData, onError);
This method closes a command stream if one is open.
This method indicates whether a command stream is open.
Boolean — true
if a steam is currently open, otherwise false
server.log("Device command stream is open: " + lsntTrackerApp.isDeviceCommandStreamOpen());
This method retrieves the recent log entries for the specified device.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
losantDeviceId | String | Yes | The device ID assigned by Losant when the device is created |
callback | function | Yes | Called when response is received (see Callback Functions) |
lsntTrackerApp.getDeviceLogs(lsntDeviceId, function(response) {
server.log("Status Code: " + response.statuscode);
// Log device logs
This method creates a UTC combined date time timestamp based on the ISO 8601 standard. If a value is passed into epochTime, it will be reformatted, otherwise the current time will be used.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
epochTime | Integer | No | Integer returned by calling time(), the current date and time as elapsed seconds since midnight, 1 Jan 1970 |
Sting — An ISO 8601 timestamp.
local now = lsntTrackerApp.createIsoTimeStamp();
This method formats a device information tag array into query parameter format.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
tags | Array | Yes | Array of tag tables with slots key and/or value |
String — A tag filter query parameter string.
local searchTags = [
{ "key" : "agentId",
"value" : split(http.agenturl(), "/").top() },
{ "value" : imp.configparams.deviceid }
local qparams = lsntTrackerApp.createTagFilterQueryParams(searchTags);
Please see the examples folder on GitHub for further example code.
The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.
Version | Source Code | Notes |
1.0.0 | GitHub | Initial release |
This library is licensed under the MIT License.