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Latest Version: 3.0.0

The Electric Imp Salesforce library wraps the REST API, a suite of point-and-click tools for creating custom employee-facing apps. This library enables you to interact with your objects, allowing you to easily create products that can interact with a powerful CRM backend.

Breaking Changes

Release 3.0.0 contains breaking changes to support authentication using the Electric Imp's OAuth2 Library.

Summary of Changes

You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on the available versions of this library.

To include this library in your project, add

#require "Salesforce.agent.lib.nut:3.0.0"

at the top of your agent code.

Class Usage


All methods that make requests to the API can be called asynchronously (by providing the optional callback function) or synchronously (by not providing the callback). If a callback is supplied, it must have two parameters: err and data. If no errors were encountered, err will be null and data will contain the parsed HTTP response body. If an error occurred during the request, err will contain an error message and data will contain either the raw un-parsed HTTP response or null if HTTP response data is not available.

If no callback is supplied, the method will return a table containing two fields, err and data, which follow the same conventions as outlined above.

Constructor: Salesforce([salesforceAPIVersion])

The constructor configures basic Force API settings.


Parameter Type Required? Description
salesforceAPIVersion String No The version string used in HTTP requests to Salesforce. Default: "v46.0"


#require "Salesforce.agent.lib.nut:3.0.0"

force <- Salesforce();

Class Methods

login(auth[, callback])

This method is used to obtain authorization credentials required for API requests. If login is successful, these authorization credentials will be stored locally by the library instance for use in subsequent requests.


Parameter Type Required? Description
auth Table Yes Table of authorization settings — see Authorization Settings, below
callback Function Yes See Callbacks, above, for details

Authorization Settings

Required authorization settings include Salesforce account and Connected Application credentials. If you are working in a Salesforce sandbox environment, you should set authUrl to "".

Key Type Required? Description
username String Yes Salesforce account username
password String Yes Salesforce account password
clientId String Yes Salesforce Connected App Consumer Key
clientSecret String Yes Salesforce Connected App Consumer Secret
securityToken String No A security token. See for information about acquiring your security token
authUrl String No Salesforce login service endpoint. Default: ""


auth <- {
    "username"     : "",
    "password"     : "worstpasswordever",
    "clientId"     : "<YOUR_CONNECTED_APP_CONSUMER_KEY>",
    "authUrl"      : ""

force.login(auth, function(err, data) {
    if (err != null) {
        // There was an error obtaining authorization credentials
        // Log error
        server.error (err);

    // Do things after logging in...

Return Value

See Callbacks, above.


When authenticating via a method other than login, ie. OAuth2, the HTTP response can be passed into this method to parse and update the library instance’s stored authentication settings (required for making requests).


Parameter Type Required? Description
httpResponse Table Yes The response table passed into HTTP doneCallback or returned by an HTTP synchronous request

Return Value

Table — A parsed response with the following keys:

Key Type Description
err String or null If an error was encounter, a string with a message describing the error
data Table If an error was encountered the un-parsed response, otherwise a table containing the parsed response body


// OAuth2 Get Token callback
function onGetOAuthToken(token, err, resp) {
    if (err) {
        server.error("Error retrieving Salesforce auth: " + err);

    local parsed = force.processAuthResp(resp);
    if (parsed.err) {

    server.log("Salesforce authorization succeeded");
    // TODO Use to persist authentication credentials
    //      for use across agent reboots


This method indicates whether or not there is a stored authentication token.

Return Value

Boolean — true if there is currently a stored authentication token, otherwise false.


if (!force.isLoggedIn()) {
    server.log("Missing Salesforce credentials. Please login.");


This method can be used to specify the version of the REST API you are working with.


Parameter Type Required? Description
versionString String Yes A version string, for example: "v33.0"

Return Value



// Set to v33.0 instead of v46.0 (the default)


This method can be used to specify the authorization token that the library instance uses in its requests. When authenticating using a method other than login() (ie. OAuth2), the authorization token can be found in the authentication response via the access_token key.


Parameter Type Required? Description
token String Yes A Salesforce authentication token

Return Value



// OAuth2 Get Token callback
function onGetOAuthToken(token, err, resp) {
    if (err) {
        server.error("Error retrieving Salesforce auth: " + err);



This method can be used to specify the URL that the library instance uses when sending requests to get user information. When authenticating using a method other than login() (ie. OAuth2), the user ID can be found in the authentication response via the id key and is formatted as a URL containing an ID.


Parameter Type Required? Description
idurl String Yes A Salesforce ID-bearing URL

Return Value



// OAuth2 Get Token callback
function onGetOAuthToken(token, err, resp) {
    if (err) {
        server.error("Error retrieving Salesforce auth: " + err);


    if (resp != null) {
        try {
            local body = http.jsondecode(resp.body);
            if ("id" in body) {
                local usrId =;
                server.log("User Id: " + usrId);
            } else {
                server.error("Response did not include an id: " + resp.body);
        } catch(e) {
            server.error("Unable to parse Salesforce response: " + e);


This method can be used to specify the URL that the library instance uses when sending requests. When authenticating using a method other than login() (ie. OAuth2), the instance URL can be found in the authentication response via the instance_url key.


Parameter Type Required? Description
url String Yes The Salesforce endpoint used to send requests for the authenticated user

Return Value



// OAuth2 Get Token callback
function onGetOAuthToken(token, err, resp) {
    if (err) {
        server.error("Error retrieving Salesforce auth: " + err);


    if (resp != null) {
        try {
            local body = http.jsondecode(resp.body);
                if ("instance_url" in body) {
                    local url = body.instance_url;
                    server.log("Instance URL: " + url);
                } else {
                    server.error("Response did not include an instance url: " + resp.body");
        } catch(e) {
            server.error("Unable to parse Salesforce response: " + e);


This method can be used to specify the refresh token when necessary. When authenticating using a method other than login() (ie. OAuth2), the refresh token can be found in the authentication response via the refresh_token key.

Note Not all authorization methods will include a refresh token.


Parameter Type Required? Description
refreshToken String Yes A Salesforce refresh token

Return Value



// OAuth2 Get Token callback
function onGetOAuthToken(token, err, resp) {
    if (err) {
        server.error("Error retrieving Salesforce auth: " + err);


    if (resp != null) {
        try {
            local body = http.jsondecode(resp.body);
            if ("refresh_token" in body) {
        } catch(e) {
            server.error("Unable to parse Salesforce response: " + e);


This method will return the library instance’s current refresh token if it has one. If the authorization flow used did not result in a refresh token, or if no authentication flow has been invoked, this method will return null.

Return Value

String — the current refresh token, or null.


local refresh = force.getRefreshToken();
if (refresh != null) {


This method makes a request to Salesforce to retrieve information about the user who is currently logged in.


Parameter Type Required? Description
callback Function Yes See Callbacks, above for details

Return Value

See Callbacks, above.


if (force.isLoggedIn()) {
    force.getUser(function(err, data) {
        if (err) {

        // If it worked, log all the information we have about the user
        foreach(index, value in data) {
            server.log(index + ": " + value);

request(verb, service[, body][, callback])

This method is the most basic way of interacting with objects in your Salesforce database. It creates an HTTP request with properly formated authentication headers, etc.


Parameter Type Required? Description
callback Function Yes See Callbacks, above, for details

Return Value

See Callbacks, above.


The following example fetches data from a custom object (campsites) in our Salesforce database.

Note If you receive an error with an errorCode of "INVALID_SESSION_ID" it means that your login is no longer valid (or that you never logged in).

const SF_OBJECT_NAME = campsites__c;

if (force.isLoggedIn()) {
    local service = format("sobjects/%s", SF_OBJECT_NAME);

    force.request("GET", service, null, function(err, data) {
        if (err) {
            if (data != null && "body" in data) server.log(data.body);

        // Log the names of all the recent campsites
        if ("recentItems" in data) {
            server.log("Recent Campsites: ");
            foreach(campsite in data.recentItems) {

Release History

The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.

Version Source Code Notes
1.0.0 GitHub Initial release
1.1.0 GitHub Add setToken(), setInstanceUrl() methods
2.0.0 GitHub Rename library to match current library naming scheme; bug fixes
2.0.1 GitHub Add refresh token for the smart fridge example
3.0.0 GitHub Moved auth settings from constructor to login(); added setUserId() method; moved statics to constants; updated service URLs; updated error handling; added processAuthResp() method for use with authorization via OAuth2 library; added new example that uses OAuth2 library for authentication; moved outdated examples into Old_Examples folder


This library is licensed under the MIT License.