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Latest Version: 0.1.0

This is a library designed to help you manage low-power devices and the tasks they need to perform.

You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on other versions of this library.

To include this library in your project, add #require "LPDeviceManager.device.lib.nut:0.1.0" at the top of your agent code.

Note This is a beta release. Please file issues in GitHub to help us improve this library.

Library Usage

The LPDeviceManager library has the following requirements:

  1. The library’s primary class must only be instantiated once, so it should be treated as a singleton.
  2. The library depends upon ConnectionManager 3.1.0 or above, so make sure you #require this library too. The full example, below shows how the two libraries are used together.
  3. The imp API method imp.onidle() should not be used along with the library as there is a chance the library will override your idle code with its own. See the addOnIdle() method, below, for further information.

Constructor: LPDeviceManager(cm[, wakeReasonCallbacks][, isDebug])

This method returns a new LPDeviceManager instance.


Parameter Type Required? Description
cm Object Yes An instance of ConnectionManager 3.1.0 or above
wakeReasonCallbacks Table No A table of optional wake reason callbacks. Default: an empty table
isDebug Boolean No Controls the debug output of the library. Set to true for extra output. Default: false

Wake Reason Callbacks

LPDeviceManager allows you to set code to be executed when the device wakes for a specific reason.

All of the following keys are optional. Their values are callback functions that will be triggered in the event of the wake reasons for which the keys are named.

Key Value
onColdBoot Callback to be executed on a cold boot. The callback takes no parameters
onSwReset Callback to be executed on a software reset. The callback takes no parameters
onTimer Callback to be executed after a deep sleep timer fires. The callback takes no parameters
onInterrupt Callback to be triggered when a wakeup pin is asserted. The callback takes no parameters
onPowerRestored Callback to be triggered when the imp's VBAT is powered during a cold start. The callback takes no parameters. Note This wake reason is only available on impOS™ 40 and above
defaultOnWake Callback that catches all other wake reasons, and takes the impOS wake reason constant as its argument


// Wake up on timer flow
function onScheduledWake() {
    // Do something

// Wake up (not on timer) flow
function onBoot(wakereason) {
    server.log("Device booted");
    // Do something

local cm = ConnectionManager({"blinkupBehavior": CM_BLINK_ALWAYS});
local lpm = LPDeviceManager(cm, {"onTimer"       : onScheduledWake.bindenv(this),
                                 "defaultOnWake" : onBoot.bindenv(this)});

Library Methods


The imp API method imp.onidle() should not be used when you are using the LPDeviceManager library. Instead, use this method to add an action that will be performed when the imp goes idle.


Parameter Type Required? Description
callback Function Yes Action to be triggered the next time the imp becomes idle

Return Value



function onIdleTask() {
    server.log("Device is idle");


doAndSleep(action, sleepTime)

This method synchronously executes the specified action and then puts the imp into deep sleep for the specified period of time.


Parameter Type Required? Description
action Function Yes A function to be called before the imp sleeps. The function has no parameters
sleepTime Float Yes Time in seconds the device should sleep for after the action is all fulfilled

Return Value



function readTemp() {
    // Take a synchronous sensor reading
    local reading =;
    if ("error" in reading) {
        // Log error
        server.error("Temperature/Humidity reading error: " + reading.error);
    } else {
        // Log reading
        server.log("Temperature: " + reading.temperature + "°C Humidity: " + reading.humidity + "%");

lpm.doAndSleep(readTemp.bindenv(this), 60);

doAsyncAndSleep(action, sleepTime[, timeout])

This method asynchronously executes the specified action and then puts the imp into deep sleep for the specified period of time. If a timeout is specified, the device will not wait for the action to complete before going to sleep.


Parameter Type Required? Description
action Function Yes A function to be called before the imp sleeps. The action function has one parameter, done, which is a function that should be called when the asynchronous action is fulfilled
sleepTime Float Yes Time in seconds the device should sleep for after the action is fulfilled or timeout occurs
timeout Float No Time in seconds the device should wait for the action to trigger its done function before sleeping anyway

Return Value



function readTemp(done) {
    // Take an asynchronous sensor reading {
        if ("error" in reading) {
            // Log error
            server.error("Temperature/Humidity reading error: " + reading.error);
        } else {
            // Log reading
            server.log("Temperature: " + reading.temperature + "°C Humidity: " + reading.humidity + "%");
        // Sensor reading is completed, use done function to put the device to sleep

lpm.doAsyncAndSleep(readTemp.bindenv(this), 30, 60);


This method puts the device to sleep for the specified period of time, as soon as it becomes idle.


Parameter Type Required? Description
sleepTime Float Yes Time in seconds the device should sleep for

Return Value



// Put the device to sleep for 60 seconds


This method attempts to establish a connection between the imp module and the impCloud™ server. It is equivalent to calling ConnectionManager’s connect() method.

Return Value



// Connect to the server


This method disconnects the imp from the impCloud server and, if in use, powers down the radio. It is equivalent to calling ConnectionManager’s disconnect() method with the force parameter passed true.

Return Value



// Disconnect from the server

onConnect(callback[, callbackName])

This method registers a function that will be called when the imp successfully connects to the impCloud server.


Parameter Type Required? Description
callback Function Yes A function to be called when device has connected. This function has no parameters
callbackName String No An optional identifier that can be used to register multiple callbacks

Return Value



// Register a connection handler
lpm.onConnect(function() {

onDisconnect(callback[, callbackName])

This method registers a function that will be called when the imp disconnects from the impCloud server, or an error occurs during an attempt to connect to the server.


Parameter Type Required Description
callback Function Yes A function to be called when the device has disconnected. This function has one parameter, a boolean, which is passed true if the disconnect was triggered programmatically, otherwise false
callbackName String No An optional identifier that can be used to register multiple callbacks

Return Value



// Register a disconnect handler
lpm.onDisconnect(function(expected) {
    if (expected) {
    } else {


This method indicates whether the is connected or not. This is equivalent to calling Connection Manager’s isConnected() method.

Return Value

Boolean — true if the device is connected, otherwise false.


if (lpm.isConnected()) server.log("Device is connected");


This method returns a human-readable string description of the imp’s most recent wake reason.

Return Value

String — a description of the wake reason.


server.log("Wake reason: " + lpm.wakeReasonDesc());

Full Example

Device Code

// Device Code
#require "ConnectionManager.lib.nut:3.1.1"
#require "HTS221.device.lib.nut:2.0.1"
#require "LPDeviceManager.device.lib.nut:0.1.0"

const MAX_WAKE_TIME = 60;
const SLEEP_TIME    = 120;
const MAX_TEMP      = 20;

// Explorer Kit, sensor i2c
local SENSOR_I2C = hardware.i2c89;

cm <- ConnectionManager({"blinkupBehavior": CM_BLINK_ALWAYS});
th <- HTS221(SENSOR_I2C);
lpm <- null;

// Take a async temperature reading then go to sleep
function takeReading(done) {
    th.setMode(HTS221_MODE.ONE_SHOT); {
        if ("error" in res) {
            // Didn't get a successful reading, go to sleep
        } else {
            // Report temperature above max
            if (res.temperature > MAX_TEMP) {
                // Register connection handler
                lpm.onConnect(function() {
                    server.log("Wake reason: " + lpm.wakeReasonDesc());
                    // Log reading
                    server.log("Temperature: " + res.temperature + "°C Humidity: " + res.humidity + "%");
                    // Send reading to agent
                    agent.send("reading", res);
                // Try to connect
            } else {
                // Temp was in range, go to sleep

// Wake up on timer flow
function onScheduledWake() {
    // Set a limit on how long we are connected
    // Note: Setting a fixed duration to sleep here means next connection
    // will happen in calculated time + the time it takes to complete all
    // tasks.
    lpm.doAsyncAndSleep(takeReading.bindenv(this), SLEEP_TIME, MAX_WAKE_TIME);

// Wake up (not on timer) flow
function onBoot(wakereason) {
    server.log("Wake reason: " + lpm.wakeReasonDesc());

    // Set a limit on how long we are connected
    // Note: Setting a fixed duration to sleep here means next connection
    // will happen in calculated time + the time it takes to complete all
    // tasks.
    lpm.doAsyncAndSleep(function(done) {
        agent.on("restartACK", function(notUsed) {
        agent.send("restart", "Device restarted with wakereason: " + wakereason);
    }.bindenv(this), SLEEP_TIME, MAX_WAKE_TIME);

handlers <- {
    "onTimer"       : onScheduledWake.bindenv(this),
    "defaultOnWake" : onBoot.bindenv(this)

lpm = LPDeviceManager(cm, handlers);

Agent Code

// Agent Code
device.on("restart", function(msg) {
    device.send("restartACK", null);

device.on("reading", function(msg) {

Further Examples

Electric Imp’s GitHub repository contains further examples you can try out.

Release History

The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.

Version Source Code Notes
0.1.0 GitHub Initial (beta) release


This library is licensed under the MIT License.