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Create a client for MQTT communication




An mqttclient instance


This method creates a new mqttclient object, which it returns. You can create as many mqttclient objects as you like, memory permitting. However, you can only connect to one of these objects at a time (using mqttclient.connect()). Attempting to connect to a second mqttclient object will throw an excception when mqttclient.connect() is called on it.

If the returned mqttclient object reference goes out of scope, or is set to null, the connection will implicitly be closed.

Example Code

The following code sets up an MQTT client and connects to the specified MQTT broker. If the connection is made, the code attempts to subscribe to a topic; if this succeeds in turn, the code registers the handler that will log any incoming messages that have been posted to the chosen topic.

const URL = "tcp://";
const PORT = 1883
const UN = "generalgrugger";
const PW = "gaztakh1ghc0mmand";

local cid = "imp.mqtt.test." + imp.configparams.deviceid;
local client = null;

function error(code) {
    switch (code) {
        case -1: return "Socket Error";
        case 1:  return "Unsupported MQTT version";
        case 2:  return "Client ID rejected";
        case 3:  return "Server unavailable";
        case 4:  return "Invalid username/password";
        case 5:  return "Not authorized";
        default: return "Unknown error";

function onMessage(message) {
    // Called on receipt of a message
    server.log("Message \'" + message.message + "\' received under topic \'" + message.topic + "\'");

function onConnect(resultCode) {
    // Called when the client connects (or fails to connect) to the MQTT broker
    local s = URL + ":" + PORT.tostring();
    if (resultCode == 0) {
        server.log("Connected to " + s);

        // We're connected to try to subscribe to a topic
                         function(qosMode) {
                             // This is the subscription acknowledgement callback
                             if (qosMode < 0x80) {
                                 // We are subscribed, so inform the user...
                                 server.log("Subscribed to \'imp.mqtt.test.pings\' with delivery mode: " + qosMode);

                                 // ...and set the message handler
    } else {
        server.error("Failed to connect to " + s + " Error: " + error(resultCode));

function onLost(reasonCode) {
    // Called when the connection to the MQTT broker is unexpectedly lost
    local s = URL + ":" + PORT.tostring();
    server.log("Connected to " + s + " broken. Code: " + reasonCode);

// Instance an MQTT client
client = mqtt.createclient();

// Set up the initial handlers

// Connect with credentials
local options = {};
options.username <- UN;
options.password <- PW;
client.connect(URL + ":" + PORT.tostring(), cid, options);