Latest Version: 2.0.0
This library provides a parser for UBX binary messages. For information about UBX messages, please see the u-blox protocol specification.
Electric Imp offers two libraries to support the u-blox NEO-M8N module: this message parser and a device-side driver class
The parser is implemented as a table, so command-parsing functions can be added and existing ones easily customized. A small number of messages have been selected as a base. These commands are detailed in the Class Methods section below.
You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on other versions of this library.
To include this library in your project, add
#require "UbxMsgParser.lib.nut:2.0.0"
at the top of your agent and/or device code.
No initialization is needed to use the parser, which is implemented as a table that is accessed via the global variable UbxMsgParser.
There is one helper method available to convert the integer latitude and longitude values returned by UBX methods to a decimal degree string, a more common format for this data.
The remaining slots in the parser table are identified by 16-bit integers: the UBX class message ID. For example, to parse the payload of a UBX message of type NAV_PVT, you would call:
local result = UbxMsgParser[0x0107](payload);
where payload is the message data and result is the parsed information, returned as a table.
The value of each slot is the relevant parsing function. Each parsing function takes the UBX message payload and returns a table. The parsed tables will always contain error and payload slots. If no error was encountered when parsing the payload, the error slot will be null
and additional slots will be included in the table. Users should always check the error value before accessing the other slots.
Note Squirrel only supports signed 32-bit integers. If the payload contains a 32-bit unsigned integer, the parsed table will contain a four-byte blob with the payload values. These values will be in the same order as received by the M8N (little endian).
This method converts an integer UBX latitude or longitude value into a decimal degree string, eg. "37.3955323"
or "-122.1023164"
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
UBXdegrees | Integer | Yes | Latitude or Longitude integer from a parsed UBX message |
String — the decimal degree latitude or longitude.
This method parses 0x0107
(NAV_PVT) UBX message payloads.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
payload | Blob | Yes | 100-byte NAV_PVT message payload |
Table — contains the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
error | String or null |
Error message if a parsing error was encountered, or null |
payload | Blob | The unparsed payload |
iTOW | Blob | GPS time of week of the navigation epoch in ms (four-byte unsigned integer) |
year | Integer | Year (UTC) |
month | Integer | Month in range 1-12 (UTC) |
day | Integer | Day of month in range 1-31 (UTC) |
hour | Integer | Hour of day in range 0-23 (UTC) |
min | Integer | Minute of hour in range 0-59 (UTC) |
sec | Integer | Seconds of minute in range 0-60 (UTC) |
valid | Table | Validity flags (see below) |
tAcc | Integer | Time accuracy estimate in ns (UTC) |
nano | Integer | Fraction of second (ns) in range -1e9 to +1e9 (UTC) |
fixType | Integer | GNSSfix Type: 0 = No fix 1 = Dead reckoning only 2 = 2D fix 3 = 3D fix 4 = GNSS plus dead reckoning combined 5 = Time-only fix |
fixStatusFlags | Table | Fix status flags (see below) |
numSV | Integer | Number of satellites used |
lon | Integer | Longitude in degrees |
lat | Integer | Latitude in degrees |
height | Integer | Height above ellipsoid in mm |
hMSL | Integer | Height above mean sea level mm |
hAcc | Blob | Horizontal accuracy estimate in mm (four-byte unsigned integer) |
vAcc | Blob | Vertical accuracy estimate in mm (four-byte unsigned integer) |
velN | Integer | NED north velocity in mm/s |
velE | Integer | NED east velocity in mm/s |
velD | Integer | NED down velocity in mm/s |
gSpeed | Integer | Ground Speed (2D) in mm/s |
headMot | Integer | Heading of motion (2D) in degrees |
sAcc | Blob | Speed accuracy estimate in mm/s (four-byte unsigned integer) |
headAcc | Blob | Heading accuracy estimate (both motion and vehicle) in mm/s (four-byte unsigned integer) |
pDOP | Integer | Position DOP |
headVeh | Integer | Heading of vehicle (2D) in degrees |
magDec | Integer | Magnetic declination in degrees |
magAcc | Integer | Magnetic declination accuracy in degrees |
Key | Type | Description |
validDate | Bool | UTC date valid? |
validTime | Bool | UTC time of day valid? |
fullyResolved | Bool | UTC time of day has been fully resolved? (no seconds uncertainty) |
validMag | Bool | Magnetic declination valid? |
Key | Type | Description |
gnssFixOK | Integer | 1 = Valid fix (ie. within DOP & accuracy masks) |
diffSoln | Integer | 1 = Differential corrections were applied |
psmState | Integer | Power Save Mode state: 0 = PSM is not active 1 = Enabled (an intermediate state before acquisition) 2 = Acquisition 3 = Tracking 4 = Power-optimized tracking 5 = Inactive |
headVehValid | Integer | 1 = heading of vehicle is valid |
carrSoln | Integer | Carrier phase range solution status (not supported in protocol versions less than 20): 0 = No carrier phase range solution 1 = Float solution (no fixed integer carrier phase measurements have been used to calculate the solution) 2 = Fixed solution (one or more fixed integer carrier phase range measurements have been used to calculate the solution) |
confirmedAvai | Integer | 1 = Information about UTC Date and Time of Day validity confirmation is available (Not supported in all versions) |
confirmedDate | Integer | 1 = UTC date validity could be confirmed |
confirmedTime | Integer | 1 = UTC time of day could be confirmed |
This method parses 0x0135
(NAV_SAT) UBX message payloads.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
payload | Blob | Yes | 8 + 12 * n bytes of NAV_SAT message payload |
Table — contains the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
error | String or null |
Error message if a parsing error was encountered, or null |
payload | Blob | The unparsed payload |
iTOW | Blob | GPS time of week of the navigation epoch in ms (four-byte unsigned integer) |
version | Integer | Message version (1 for this version) |
numSvs | Integer | Number of satellites |
satInfo | Array of tables | Satellite details (see below) |
Key | Type | Description |
error | String or null |
Error message if a parsing error was encountered, or null |
payload | Blob | The unparsed payload |
gnssId | Integer | GNSS identifier |
svId | Integer | Satellite identifier |
cno | Integer | Carrier to noise ratio (signal strength) in dBHz |
elev | Integer | Elevation (range ±90), unknown if out of range, in degrees |
azim | Integer | Azimuth (range 0-360), unknown if elevation is out of range, in degrees |
prRes | Integer | Pseudorange residual in m |
flags | Table | Set of flags (see below) |
Key | Type | Description |
error | String or null |
Error message if a parsing error was encountered, or null |
payload | Blob | The unparsed payload |
qualityInd | Integer | Signal quality indicator: 0 = No signal 1 = Searching for signal 2 = Signal acquired 3 = Signal detected but unusable 4 = Code locked and time synchronized 5, 6, 7 = Code and carrier locked and time synchronized |
svUsed | Integer | 1 = Signal in the subset specified in signal identifiers is currently being used for navigation |
health | Integer | Signal health flag: 0 = Unknown 1 = Healthy 2 = Unhealthy |
diffCorr | Integer | 1 = Differential correction data is available for this SV |
smoothed | Integer | 1 = Carrier smoothed pseudorange used |
orbitSource | Integer | Orbit source: 0 = No orbit information is available for this SV 1 = Ephemeris is used 2 = Almanac is used 3 = AssistNow offline orbit is used 4 = AssistNow autonomous orbit is used 5, 6, 7 = Other orbit information is used |
ephAvail | Integer | 1 = Ephemeris is available for this SV |
almAvail | Integer | 1 = Almanac is available for this SV |
anoAvail | Integer | 1 = AssistNow offline data is available for this SV |
aopAvail | Integer | 1 = AssistNow autonomous data is available for this SV |
sbasCorrUsed | Integer | 1 = SBAS corrections have been used for a signal |
rtcmCorrUsed | Integer | 1 = RTCM corrections have been used |
slasCorrUsed | Integer | 1 = QZSS SLAS corrections have been used |
prCorrUsed | Integer | 1 = Pseudorange corrections have been used |
crCorrUsed | Integer | 1 = Carrier range corrections have been used |
doCorrUsed | Integer | 1 = Range rate (Doppler) corrections have been used |
This method parses 0x0501
(ACK_ACK) UBX message payloads.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
payload | Blob | Yes | A two-byte ACK_ACK message payload |
Table — contains the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
error | string or null |
Error message if a parsing error was encountered, or null |
payload | Blob | The unparsed payload |
ackMsgClassId | Integer | The two-byte message class and ID of the ACK’d message |
This method parses 0x0500
(ACK_NAK) UBX message payloads.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
payload | Blob | Yes | A two-byte ACK_NAK message payload |
Table — contains the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
error | String or null |
Error message if a parsing error was encountered, or null |
payload | Bblob | The unparsed payload |
nakMsgClassId | Integer | The two-byte message class and ID of the NAK’d message |
This method parses 0x0a04
(MON_VER) UBX message payloads.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
payload | Blob | Yes | 40 + 30 * n bytes of MON_VER message payload |
Table — contains the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
error | String or null |
Error message if a parsing error was encountered, or null |
payload | Blob | The unparsed payload |
swVersion | String | The software Version |
hwVersion | Sting | The hardware Version |
exSwInfo | Array of strings | Extended software information strings, if any |
This method parses 0x0a09
(MON_HW) UBX message payloads.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
payload | Blob | Yes | A 60-byte MON_HW message payload |
Table — contains the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
error | String or null |
Error message if a parsing error was encountered, or null |
payload | Blob | The unparsed payload |
pinSel | Blob | Mask of pins set as Peripheral/PIO |
pinBank | Blob | Mask of pins set as Bank A/B |
pinDir | Blob | Mask of pins set as Input/Output |
pinVal | Blob | Mask of pins of value Low/High |
noisePerMS | Integer | Noise level as measured by the GPS core |
agcCnt | Integer | AGC Monitor (counts SIGHI xor SIGLO, range 0 to 8191) |
aStatus | Integer | The status of the antenna supervisor state machine: 0 = Initializing 1 = Unknown 2 = OK 3 = Short 4 = Open |
aPower | Integer | The current power status of the antenna: 0 = Off 1 = On 2 = Unknown |
flags | Table | Table of flags (see below) |
usedMask | Blob | Mask of pins that are used by the Virtual Pin Manager |
vp | blob | Array of pin mappings for each of the 17 physical pins |
jamInd | Integer | CW Jamming indicator, scaled from 0 (no CW jamming) to 255 (strong CW jamming) |
pinIrq | Blob | Mask of pins using the PIO IRQ |
pullH | Blob | Mask of pins using the PIO Pull High Resistor |
pullL | Blob | Mask of pins using the PIO Pull Low Resistor |
Key | Type | Description |
rtcCalib | Integer | RTC is calibrated |
safeBoot | Integer | Safe boot mode: 0 = Inactive 1 = Active |
jammingState | Integer | Output from the Jamming/Interference Monitor: 0 = Unknown or feature disabled 1 = OK — no significant jamming 2 = Warning — interference visible but fix OK 3 = Critical — interference visible and no fix |
xtalAbsent | integer | RTC crystal has been determined to be absent. Note Not supported in protocol versions less than 18 |
The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.
Version | Source Code | Notes |
1.0.0 | GitHub | Initial release |
2.0.0 | GitHub | Removed Assist Now ACK from parser; added checks and errors for methods that would cause conflicts with Assist Now ) |
This library is licensed under the MIT License.