Latest Version: 1.1.0
The IBMWatson library allows you to easily integrate your agent code with IBM® Watson™ IoT Platform. This library provides an easy way to access a number of the IBM Watson IoT Platform HTTP REST API endpoints. Click here for the full documentation of the API.
To use this library you will need to register an organization on the Watson IoT platform. After registering, you will be provided with a six-character organization ID. You will also need to generate an API key, and during its generation you will be presented with an authentication token. Please note that the only time you have access to this authentication token is during this set-up process. You will need the API key, authentication token and organization ID to instantiate IBMWatson objects in your agent code.
You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on the available versions of this library.
To include this library in your project, add
#require "IBMWatson.class.nut:1.1.0"
at the top of your agent code.
IBM has altered certain Watson IoT endpoints breaking IBMWatson library 1.0.0’s ability to post data. Version 1.1.0 of the library restores this functionality. Please update your code.
All requests to Watson will be made asynchonously. Any method that sends a request can take an optional callback parameter. If a callback is provided, it will be executed when the response is received. The callback function has two required parameters: error and response. If no error was encountered, the error parameter will be null.
The constructor takes three required parameters: your API key, authentication token and organization ID. There is also one optional parameter, the API version, passed as a string. The default API version is "v0002".
#require "IBMWatson.class.nut:1.1.0"
const API_KEY = "<YOUR API KEY>";
watson <- IBMWatson(API_KEY, AUTH_TOKEN, ORG_ID);
The addDeviceType() method creates a device type within your organization. The device type is needed for all device interractions, whether you are creating a device or posting device data. This method takes one required parameter: a table with the information required to create a device type. It has two optional parameters: an httpHeaders table and a callback function.
Key | Value data type | Required? | Description |
id | String | Yes | The device type ID is used to uniquely identify the device type (36-character limit) |
description | String | No | The device type description can be used for a more descriptive way of identifying the device type |
classId | String | No | Accepted values are "Device" or "Gateway" . If you do not pass in this value, it defaults to "Device" |
deviceInfo | Table | No | Keys in the deviceInfo table define attributes to be used as a template for new devices that are assigned this device type. Attributes you do not define may still be edited individually on devices that are assigned this device type |
metadata | Table | No | Metadata you wish to have associated with the device type |
typeInfo <- { "id": "EnvTail",
"description" : "Electric Imp Environmental Sensor Tail" };
watson.addDeviceType(typeInfo, function(error, response) {
if (error) server.error(error);
The getDeviceType() method requests the details for the device type specified. This method takes one required parameter, the device’s typeID, and two optional parameters: an httpHeaders table and a callback function.
local typeID = "EnvTail";
local typeInfo = { "id": typeID,
"description" : "Electric Imp Environmental Sensor Tail" };
watson.getDeviceType(typeID, function(error, response) {
// If device type doesn't exist, create it
if (error == watson.MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
The addDevice() method creates a device of the specified device type. This method takes two required parameters: the device’s typeID and a table containing information about the device. It has two optional parameters: an httpHeaders table and a callback function.
Key | Value data type | Required? | Description |
deviceId | String | Yes | The device ID is used to uniquely identify the device |
authToken | String | No | Authentication token. This will be generated if not supplied |
deviceInfo | Table | No | See ‘DeviceInfo Table’, below, for more details. All keys in the deviceInfo table are optional |
location | Table | No | See ‘Location Table’ below for more details |
metadata | Table | No | Metadata you wish to have associated with the device type |
Key | Value data type | Description |
serialNumber | String | The serial number of the device |
manufacturer | String | The manufacturer of the device |
model | String | The model of the device |
deviceClass | String | The class of the device |
description | String | The descriptive name of the device |
fwVersion | String | The firmware version currently known to be on the device |
hwVersion | String | The hardware version of the device |
descriptiveLocation | Table | A descriptive location, such as a room or building number, or a geographical region |
Key | Value data type | Required? | Description |
longitude | Number | Yes | Longitude in decimal degrees using the WGS84 system |
latitude | Number | Yes | Latitude in decimal degrees using the WGS84 system |
elevation | Number | No | Elevation in meters using the WGS84 system |
accuracy | Number | No | Accuracy of the position in meters |
measuredDateTime | String | No | Date and time of location measurement (ISO8601) |
local typeID = "EnvTail";
local deviceID = split(http.agenturl(), "/").pop();
device <- { "deviceId": deviceID,
"deviceInfo" : { "manufacturer" : "electric_imp",
"descriptiveLocation" : "open_office_area" }};
watson.addDevice(typeID, device, function(error, response) {
if (error) {
The getDevice() requests the details for the device specified. This method takes two required parameters: the device’s typeID and its deviceID. It also has two optional parameters: an httpHeaders table and a callback function.
local typeID = "EnvTail";
local deviceID = split(http.agenturl(), "/").pop();
watson.getDevice(typeID, deviceID, function(error, response) {
if (error == watson.MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
watson.addDevice(typeID, { "deviceId": deviceID });
The updateDevice() method updates the specified device with the information found in the deviceInfo table, above. This method takes three required parameters: the device’s typeID, its deviceID and a table containing the updated deviceInfo. It can also take two optional parameters: an httpHeaders table and a callback function.
local typeID = "EnvTail";
local deviceID = split(http.agenturl(), "/").pop();
deviceInfo <- { "deviceInfo" : { "descriptiveLocation" : "reception" }};
watson.updateDevice(typeID, deviceID, deviceInfo, function(error, response) {
if (error) {
The addDevice() method deletes the specified device. This method takes two required parameters: the device’s typeID and its deviceID. It can also take two optional parameters: an httpHeaders table and a callback function.
local typeID = "EnvTail";
local deviceID = split(http.agenturl(), "/").pop();
watson.deleteDevice(typeID, deviceID, function(error, response) {
if (error) server.error(error);
The postData() method uploads data from the specified device. This method takes four required parameters: the device’s typeID, its deviceID, an eventID and the data to be uploaded. It also takes two optional parameters: an httpHeaders table and a callback function.
The eventID is a searchable string defined by the device that is posting data. The data itself is passed as a table:
Key | Value data type | Required? | Description |
d | Table | Yes | A table containing the data to be uploaded |
ts | String | Yes | An ISO8601-format timestamp (see formatTimestamp(), below) |
Note The message payload is limited to a maximum of 131072 bytes. Messages larger than this will be rejected.
local typeID = "EnvTail";
local deviceID = split(http.agenturl(), "/").pop();
local eventID = "temperature";
data <- { "d": { "temp": 24.3 },
"ts": watson.formatTimestamp() };
watson.postData(typeID, deviceID, eventID, data, function(error, response) {
if (error) server.error(error);
The formatTimestamp() method returns an ISO8601-format timestamp. This method take one optional parameter: an epoch_timestamp. If nothing is passed in, a timestamp for the current time will be created.
local ts = watson.formatTimestamp();
The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.
Version | Source Code | Notes |
1.0.0 | GitHub | Initial release |
1.1.0 | GitHub | Support changes made by IBM to Watson IoT endpoints: please update your code |
The IBMWatson class is licensed under the MIT License.