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Software SPI

Latest Version: 0.1.0

This library provides software-based bit-bang SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) that can be used as an alternative to the imp API’s hardware.spi object. This class contains the same read and write methods as the imp API.

Note The only supported SPI mode is currently 0 (CPOL 0, CPHA 0) with the most significant bit sent first. Clock speed cannot be configured when using this class.

You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on other versions of this library.

To add this library to your project, add #require "SoftwareSPI.device.lib.nut:0.1.0" to the top of your device code

Class Usage

Constructor: SoftwareSpi(sclk, mosi, miso)


Parameter Type Required? Description
sclk imp pin object Yes The serial clock signal
mosi imp pin object Yes The data output
miso imp pin object Yes The data input

Each of the imp pin objects will be configured by the class.

Note This class does not configure or toggle a chip-select pin. Your application should take care of this functionality.

local sclk = hardware.pinA; // Clock
local mosi = hardware.pinB; // Master Output 
local miso = hardware.pinC; // Master Input

local sspi = SoftwareSPI(sclk, mosi, miso);

Class Methods


This method writes the specified data to the software SPI and returns the number of bytes written.


Parameter Type Required? Description
data String or blob Yes The data to be sent via SPI

Return Value

Integer — the number of bytes written.


// Configure chip select
local cs = hardware.pinD;
cs.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 1);

// Write data to a blob
local value = blob(4); 
value.writen(0xDEADBEEF, 'i');

// Write data to SPI


This method writes to, and concurrently reads data from, the software SPI. The size and type of the data returned matches the size and type of the data sent.


Parameter Type Required? Description
data String or blob Yes The data to be sent via SPI

Return Value

String or blob — the data read from SPI.


// Configure chip select
local cs = hardware.pinD;
cs.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 1);

// Write and read data to/from SPI
local value = sspi.writeread("\xFF");



This method reads the specified number of bytes from the software SPI and returns it as a string.


Parameter Type Required? Description
numberOfBytes Integer Yes The number of bytes to be read from SPI

Return Value

String — the data read from SPI.


// Configure chip select
local cs = hardware.pinD;
cs.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 1);

// Read 8 bytes of data from SPI and log it
local value = sspi.readstring(8);



This method reads the specified number of bytes from the software SPI and returns it as a Squirrel blob.


Parameter Type Required? Description
numberOfBytes Integer Yes The number of bytes to be read from SPI

Return Value

Blob — the data read from SPI.


// Configure chip select
local cs = hardware.pinD;
cs.configure(DIGITAL_OUT, 1);

// Read 2 bytes of data from SPI and log it
local value = spi.readblob(2);


Release History

The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.

Version Source Code Notes
0.1.0 GitHub Initial release


The SoftwareSPI library is licensed under the MIT License.