Click on the name of the library to access its documentation. You can learn more about our cloud service partners here.
Library Name | Load The Library With... | Targets | |
Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill |
Amazon DRS |
AWS Kinesis Firehose |
AWS Kinesis Streams |
AWS Lambda |
AWS Request V4 |
AWS Simple Notification Service |
AWS Simple Queue Service |
AWSCloudWatchLogs |
AWSDynamoDB |
Azure IoT Hub |
Bayeux Client |
Conctr |
Dark Sky |
Dweetio |
Exosite |
Firebase |
GE Predix |
Google IoT Core |
Google Maps |
Google PubSub |
IBM Watson |
InitialState |
KeenIO |
Loggly |
Losant |
mLab |
Mnubo |
MongoDBStitch |
New Relic Insights |
Plotly |
Prowl |
PubNub |
Salesforce |
SecuriThings |
Skyhook Precision Location for IoT |
SparkFun Phant IO |
The Things API |
ThingWorx |
TreasureData |
Twilio |
Ubidots |
UBloxAssistNow (Agent) |
UBloxAssistNow (Device) |
W3W |
Weather Underground |
Wolfram Data Drop |
Xively |
Library software is provided free of charge by Electric Imp solely to facilitate connectivity between your imp-enabled product software and certain third-party web services. Usage of Electric Imp library software does not guarantee access to those web services nor does it include any costs arising through your use of those services. Access to and usage of third-party web services may require you to enter into a relationship with those services and require the payment of fees or subscriptions. All such relationships are entirely separate from any relationship you have with Electric Imp, and Electric Imp is not responsible for your use of third party content, as set forth in Electric Imp’s Terms of Service.
The logos shown above are the property of their respective owners. Usage of these logos should not be taken as endorsement by those owners of any Electric Imp product or service.