Latest Version: 2.0.1
This class allows the imp to drive APA102 LEDs. The APA102 is an all-in-one RGB LED with integrated shift register and constant-current driver. The parts are daisy-chained and can be controlled over a two-wire SPI protocol, or via two GPIO pins. Each pixel is individually addressable and this allows the part to be used for a wide range of animation effects.
One example of the APA102 hardware in use is the Adafruit DotStar, which comes in strip and chip forms, or the Pimoroni Blinkt.
You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on other versions of this library.
APA102s require a 5V power supply and logic, and each pixel can draw up to 60mA when displaying white in full brightness, so be sure to size your power supply appropriately. Undersized power supplies (lower voltages and/or insufficient current) can cause glitches and/or failure to produce and light at all.
Because APA102s require 5V for clock and logic, you will need to shift both of these imp outputs from 3.3V to 5V.
Check out our GitHub repo’s examples folder.
To add this library to your project, add #require "APA102.device.lib.nut:2.0.0"
to the top of your device code
All public methods in the APA102 class return this
, allowing you to easily chain multiple commands together:
.set(0, [255,0,0])
.set(1, [0,255,0])
.fill([0,0,255], 2, 4)
The constructor takes two required parameters spiBus and numPixels. The spiBus parameter can be either a SPI object or it can be set to null
if you wish to drive the two-wire bus directly using the optional clockPin and dataPin parameters. If they are used, the clockPin and dataPin parameters should be imp pin objects. The numPixels parameter must be a non-zero integer equal to the number of pixels connected to your hardware.
The SPI object must either be configured manually or later with a call to configure(). If configured manually, it can be configured at any clock speed. The SIMPLEX_TX flag set may also be set, which prevents the MISO pin from being needlessly configured.
// Configure an imp001 SPI bus
spi <- hardware.spi257;
spi.configure(SIMPLEX_TX, 7500);
// Instantiate LED array with 5 pixels
pixels <- APA102(spi, 5);
To drive the two-wire bus directly pass in clockPin and dataPin parameters.
// Configure two-wire bus pins
clock <- hardware.pinK;
data <- hardware.pinL;
// Instantiate LED array with 5 pixels
pixels <- APA102(null, 5, clock, data).draw();
Note Even though the constructor sets all of the connected LEDs to turn off, this will not be propagated to the lights until draw() is called. You should call draw() immediately after the constructor or after configure() if you’re using this method.
The configure() method can be used to configure the SPI bus passed into the constructor. This method does not need to be called if the SPI bus has been configured prior to the constructor being called.
To configure the SPI bus to work properly with the APA102 this method sets the SIMPLEX_TX flag and runs the SPI bus at the highest speed supported by the imp, up to 15MHz.
// Configure the SPI bus
spi <- hardware.spi257;
// Instantiate LED array with 5 pixels
pixels <- APA102(spi, 5).configure().draw();
The set() method changes the color of a particular pixel in the frame buffer. The color is passed as as an array of three integers between 0 and 255 representing red, blue and green, eg. [255, 255, 0]
Optionally, a fourth integer between 0 and 31 can be passed in the array to control LED brightness. It is highly recommended that this parameter not be used, as it dramatically reduces the LED PWM clock rate.
Note The set() method does not output the changes to the pixel strip. After setting up the frame, you must call draw() to output the frame to the strip.
// Set and draw a pixel
pixels.set(0, [127,0,0])
The fill() methods sets all pixels in the specified range to the desired color. If no range is selected, the entire frame will be filled with the specified color.
Note The fill() method does not output the changes to the pixel strip. After setting up the frame, you must call draw() to output the frame to the strip.
// Turn all LEDs off
// Set half the 5-LED array red
// and the other half blue
.fill([100,0,0], 0, 2)
.fill([0,0,100], 3, 4)
The draw() method writes the current frame to the pixel strip (see examples above).
The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.
Version | Source Code | Notes |
1.0.0 | GitHub | Initial release |
2.0.0 | GitHub | Add suport for GPIO bit-bang signalling; convert internal data representation to a blob, rather than an array; add error checking on parameters; update library name for new naming scheme |
This library is licensed under the MIT License.