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Skyhook Precision Location for IoT

Latest version: 2.0.1

Skyhook’s Precision Location for IoT product is secure, flexible and scaleable, and provides location information for asset intelligence and/or real-time mapping. It was designed for all connected devices that need to minimize bandwidth and power consumption.

To use this library you must require and instantiate Skyhook Precision Location on both the agent and the device.

You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on the available versions of this library.

To include this library in your project, add

#require "skyhook.device.nut:2.0.1"

at the top of your device code, and

#require "skyhook.agent.nut:2.0.1"

at the top of your agent code.

Device Class Usage

Constructor: Skyhook()

The device-side Skyhook constructor takes no parameters.

#require "skyhook.device.nut:2.0.1"

skyhookDevice <- Skyhook();

Device Class Methods


The register() method opens a listener for location requests from the agent. When a request is received, the device scans the WiFi networks and sends the result back to the agent.


Agent Class Usage

Note The Skyhook agent library code expects the device side library to be instantiated, so we recommend your device code signals its readiness to the agent before the library is instantiated on the agent.

Constructor: Skyhook(skyhookKey)

The agent-side Skyhook constructor takes one, required parameter: your Skyhook Precision Location Key as a string. To get your Skyhook Precision Location Key, please contact Skyhook.

#require "skyhook.agent.nut:2.0.1"


skyhookAgent <- Skyhook(configSKYHOOK_KEY);

Agent Class Methods


The getLocation() method takes one required parameter: a callback function. The method triggers a WiFi scan on the device then sends the results to Skyhook. Skyhook returns the device’s location and passes the results to the callback.

The callback takes two required parameters: err and result. If no errors were encountered, err will be null and result will contain a table with the keys latitude, longitude and accuracy. If an error occurred during the request, err will contain the error information and result will be null or the raw response from Skyhook.

skyhookAgent.getLocation(function(err, result) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        server.log("Device location: " + result.longitude + ", " + result.latitude);
        server.log("Location accuracy: " + result.accuracy);

Full Example

Device Code

#require "skyhook.device.nut:2.0.1"

skyhookDev <- Skyhook();

agent.send("ready", true);

Agent Code

#require "skyhook.agent.nut:2.0.1";

// Skyhook Precision Location auth key
const skyhookKey = "Skyhook-Key-From-Skyhook-Dot-Com";

// Create Skyhook Precision Location instance
skyhookAgent <- Skyhook(skyhookKey);

function deviceLocation(err, location) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        server.log("Device location: " + location.longitude + ", " + location.latitude);
        server.log("Location accuracy: " + location.accuracy);

// Wait for device to come online then get location
device.on("ready", function(dummyValue) {
    server.log("Getting device location...");

Release History

The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.

Version Source Code Notes
1.0.0 GitHub Initial release
2.0.0 GitHub Streamline the agent constructor; rename get_location() getLocation() to match Electric Imp code style; use Device ID in place of device name parameter
2.0.1 GitHub Bug fixes


The Skyhook Precision Location for IoT library is copyright © 2016, Skyhook. It is released under the MIT licence.