How To Perform RF Certification Testing On Your imp003-based Design
The imp003 (Murata Module LBWA1ZV1CD) does not incorporate a 2.4GHz antenna. Consequently, customers must implement either an Electric Imp-recommended antenna option, or an antenna design of their own. Choosing an Electric Imp-recommended solution significantly reduces the degree of testing the customer must undertake to achieve full FCC/IC certification for their complete product.
Electric Imp recommends that customers choose either our own PIFA antenna or our selected chip antenna. Both of these imp003-and-antenna options have received FCC and IC modular certification. There is more information about FCC/IC modular certification here.
RF certification testing is not performed with standard production imp003 modules. Instead, testing is performed with an imp003 pre-loaded with RF test software. The RF test software allows the radio to be configured with a set of simple serial commands, sent over an FTDI USB-to-Serial cable.
RF testing also requires a Windows PC on which to run a command-line tool, WL.EXE
, to send commands to the RF test imp003 via USB and serial. We recommend that all customers who need to run RF testing ensure that uartQR is able to be used for RF testing, as this is the only supported UART; if the pins are used for other purposes in the product, then ensure that the lines can easily be disconnected (for example, via 0R resistors) to prevent contention when in test mode.
The RF test imp003 — the Unit Under Test (UUT) — should then be soldered to your product PCBA and the FTDI cable connected as follows:
test software and Electric Imp batch files.First, plug in the FTDI cable, then open Windows’ Device Manager and note the COM port number of the FTDI cable. This will be passed to the WL.EXE
tool via the <comport> parameter.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory containing WL.EXE
tool. Three tests are available, each performed by running the appropriate batch file at the command line. The tests are as follows:
2g_rx <comport> <channel>
This will set the UUT into RX mode on the specified channel. This is used to check for receiver leakage.
2g_cw_output <comport> <channel>
This sets the UUT to transmit a carrier wave at 15.0dBm. This is used to check frequency accuracy.
2g_tx <comport> <country> <channel> <modulation> <bitrate>
This sets the UUT to transmit high duty-cycle packets at the appropriate modulation, channel and power settings for the specified country. This is used to check modulation quality, channel occupancy, spurious emissions, etc.
The parameters for each of these tests are as follows:
= USA/Canada, EU
= Europe/rest of world. 802.11b power is lower for EU than US.Each test script will check that the first command issued does not return an error. If an error is returned, the script assumes that the UUT is not responding — please check that you have the correct COM port number.
automatically sets the correct baud rate for the UUT.