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imp003EVB Getting Started Guide

imp003EVB Getting Started Guide


imp003 EVB

The imp003 Evaluation Board (EVB) is all you need to evaluate the power and flexibility of the imp003/Murata LBWA1ZV1CD module. Built-in sensors, signal break-outs and power options allow you to prototype and evaluate all that the imp003 has to offer.


imp003 EVB top-down callout features


imp003 EVB Peripherals

Battery Pack

imp003 EVB battery pack

If you plan to run the EVB powered by batteries, please make sure the Buck/Booster Selection Jumper (see ‘Features’, above) VDD/Boost pins are bridged. Leave the jumper on the Buck/VDD pins if you plan to power the board via USB.


The EVB includes 32 pins for output power, ground connections and GPIO. The following chart maps out the pins’ primary functions and the imp003 pins to which they are connected. Functionality provided by the imp003 itself is listed in the imp pin mux.

Click for full-size version

Example Code

To help you get started with the imp003 EVB, we have created five example applications that take you from a simple ‘hello world’ application to more complex, fully connected devices.

Hello World

This example gets you up and running with the basics. Recommended for first-time users.

Generate and Graph Environment Sensor Data

Build graphs of real-world data from the EVB's temperature and optical sensors by logging the information with the charting web service Plotly.

Record Audio

Use the EVB's microphone and the imp003's analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to record audio.

Play Audio

Play audio using the imp003's fixed-frequency DAC and the EVB's audio amplifier.

Display Local Weather Conditions

Get real-time weather data from the Weather Underground web service and display it using the EVB's multi-color LED.

Build a Simple Security System

Detect intruder movement with the EVB's accelerometer and send alert messages via SMS and the Twilio web service.