Electric Imp versions impOS™ releases as follows: odd-numbered major versions are pre-releases and even-numbered major versions are production-quality releases. As such, impOS 40 builds heavily on impOS 39, which was not released publicly. For information on changes and bug-fixes implemented in the various minor releases of impOS 39, please see the relevant release notes. This document will focus on changes made following the release of impOS 40, and upon new features introduced in impOS 39 but made public for the first time with impOS 40.
The current release is 40.14 (see Release Notes and Known Issues).
The primary role of impOS 40 is to fully support cellular imps such as the impC001.
In earlier releases, a number of imp API objects were not supported on cellular imps. Many of these ‘missing’ objects become available in impOS 40. This release contains the following imp API methods that had not been implemented in earlier versions of impOS for cellular imps:
Initial release
Please see the 39 release notes for details of earlier changes.
IMPORTANT BREAKING CHANGE Please see imp.net.info() for details of a breaking change between impOS 39 and 40 which will affect all impC001 users whose existing code makes use of the cellular data returned by this imp API method.
There are no other known impOS 40-specific issues at this time. Please see the main Known Issues page for broader issues that may affect this release.