Important Note Agent AMQP functionality is now deprecated and will shortly become unsupported. Any attempt to interact with imp API amqp objects and methods on unregistered development devices or on production devices will generate a runtime error.
If you are using or intend to use Azure IoTHub, we recommend you make use of MQTT instead of AMQP. Please see our Azure IoT Hub integration for more information.
The amqpconnection object provides the agent with the ability to manage AMQP sessions. All amqpconnection objects are created by calling amqp.openconnection().
amqpconnection objects are automatically closed when they are deallocated, which occurs (also automatically) when they go out of scope. To manually close an amqpconnection, it must be deallocated by setting it to null
The amqpconnection object also has the following deprecated member methods, which should not be used in new code, but are documented here as an aid to understanding and migrating old code: