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This library has been deprecated and its functionality is now made available in as two separate libraries: GPSParser and GPSUARTDriver.

This library is a driver for GPS modules that can be interfaced over UART. It does not support all data types received by GPS. It supports VTG, RMC, GLL, GGA, GSV and GSA. For information on these formats and other satellite data packets, please see this page.

You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on the available versions of this library.

To add this library to your project, add #require "GPS.device.lib.nut:0.1.0" to the top of your device code.

Class Usage

Constructor: GPS(uart, fixCallback[, baudrate])

The class constructor takes two required parameters and one optional parameter. The first required parameter, uart, is an imp UART bus which need not have been previously configured.

The second required parameter, fixCallback, is a callback function that should take two arguments: a boolean indicating whether the GPS currently has a fix, and a table containing the most recent GPS data. The table contains the key type, which indicates which type of data the table contains. The table’s remaining keys will depend upon the data type, and are listed in the tables below.

The third parameter, which is optional, is the baudrate of the GPS. This defaults to 9600 baud.


Key Description
type GPS_VTG
trackt True track made good (degrees)
speedkmh Speed in kilometers per hour
checkSum Checksum, used to check the validity of the data


Key Description
type GPS_RMC
time The timestamp of received data (minutes, hours, seconds)
latitude The latitude received
longitude The longitude received
status The status of the satellite, "A" for active, "V" for void
checkSum Checksum, used to check the validity of the data


Key Description
type GPS_GLL
time The timestamp of received data (minutes, hours, seconds)
latitude The latitude received
longitude The longitude received
status The status of the satellite, "A" for active, "V" for void
checkSum Checksum, used to check the validity of the data


Key Description
type GPS_GGA
time The timestamp of received data (minutes, hours, seconds)
latitude The latitude received
longitude The longitude received
status The status of the satellite, "A" for active, "V" for void
fixQuality The quality of the satellite fix
numSatellites The number of satellites being tracked
altitude Altitude, meters, above mean sea level
checkSum Checksum, used to check the validity of the data


Key Description
type GPS_GSV
numSatellites The number of satellites in view
checkSum Checksum, used to check the validity of the data


Key Description
type GPS_GSA
threeDFix 3D fix. Values: 1 = no fix, 2 = 2D fix, 3 = 3D fix
PDOP Dilution of precision
HDOP Horizontal dilution of precision
PDOP Vertical dilution of precision
checkSum Checksum, used to check the validity of the data


function myCallback(gotFix, data) {
    if (gotFix) {
        server.log(format("I have valid %s data!", data.type));
        switch(data.type) {
            case GPS_RMC:
                // Do something with RMC data
            case GPS_VTG:
                // Do something with VTG data
            case GPS_GLL:
                // Do something with GLL data
            case GPS_GGA:
                // Do something with GGA data
            case GPS_GSV:
                // Do something with GSV data
            case GPS_GSA:
                // Do something with GSA data

myGPS <- GPS(hardware.uart1, myCallback);


The getLastLocation() method will return a table containing the last detected latitude and longitude, and a table containing the time the co-ordinates were received.

local last = myGPS.getLastLocation();
server.log(format("Last lat: %f, last long: %f. Received @%d:%d:%d", last.latitude,
    last.longitude, last.time.hours, last.time.minutes, last.time.seconds));

Release History

The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.

Version Source Code Notes
0.1.0 GitHub Beta release


The GPS library is licensed under the MIT License.