Returns the target AMQP message’s properties
Table — the application-specific message properties
Important Note Agent AMQP functionality is now deprecated and will shortly become unsupported. Any attempt to interact with imp API amqp objects and methods on unregistered development devices or on production devices will generate a runtime error.
If you are using or intend to use Azure IoTHub, we recommend you make use of MQTT instead of AMQP. Please see our Azure IoT Hub integration for more information.
This method returns the properties of the target message as a table. It is possible that a message can have no properties; in this case, returns an empty table ({}
The returned table’s keys will always be strings and their values will be a Squirrel data type converted from an AMQP data type according to the mapping described in amqpmessage.body(). If there are values in the message properties table that can’t be converted (again, these types are listed under amqpmessage.body()) , the entire key-value pair will be omitted from the table.
Note This cannot be used to update a message; the returned values should be considered read only.